Thursday, November 3, 2011

It's Eggnog Season!

     Alright, so the title pretty much gives away my favorite holiday, and oh, yes it's Christmas.

     We'll get back to the title later but for now I will tell you very my favorite thing about Christmas. It is that we get to celebrate the birth of the King of Kings, Jesus Christ. I love that so much because  normally when we come home from work or school, we'll immediately think of what we want or what we need to do. On Christmas though, we get to devote a whole day to celebrating Christ's birth. Even the name Christmas has Christ in it. Sadly, some people would love to take the Christ out of Christmas and make it a general holiday. If this happened then what would we have left, Merry Mas? *shudders*
     On a more positive note, Christmas also brings family members home that you don't normally see during the rest of the year. We'll catch up on what's happened in each other's lives since we last saw them, and drink a cup of hot cocoa or eggnog next to the Christmas tree. Almost every family also carries out their unique traditions. Whether it's tacos on Christmas eve or having a party with your friends and family, these traditions place your own stamp on the holiday season.

    I have to mention presents because that's what you'll hear coming out of almost every child's mouth as their favorite thing about Christmas. Its fun for everyone to receive presents, but the best thing to me is giving them, especially because you are able to see the person's face light up as they realize what they're opening.

    So now we're back to eggnog, my favorite holiday item of all of all time. It's the unofficial drink of Christmas and there's no other drink that tastes like as far as I know. With eggnog, its a love hate affair, and there's almost always no in between. Now there's only one thing left to say...

 My Eggnog Season Started On October 30, 2011.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Does anyone wonder who I am?

Red Panda
     This is the only picture that you'll ever get of me and I'm not going to tell you my name. I bet that the thoughts going through your head right now are probably something resembling this,"What's going on here?! I thought this blog post was supposed to be all about you!"
     Well it is.... I live In California, or the Golden State, and enjoy reading a lot. Also, my favorite color is green and I love animals. Let me repeat the word LOVE. Most of my favorite animals people have never heard of, and if you have heard of all of them, well CONGRATULATIONS you must love animals too! (either that or your a poacher).
      My favorite animal, and profile picture, is a red panda. In real life I find them quite gorgeous and despite the name, they only have a very distant relation to the famous giant panda. They were actually the first animal to be called panda.
     Another favorite animal of mine is called the okapi. Since they were first talked about in 
1889, Okapi are one of the most recent large mammals to be discovered. They reside deep in the Ituri Rainforest, and about one fifth of the forest is made of the Okapi Wildlife Reserve.                  
       A few other Animals I love are the amur leopard and meerkat. There are less than 36 wild amur leopards left in the world.Meerkats live in groups called mobs that contain about 20 individuals.
       So that's a little bit about me and If you would like to know more, keep reading my posts.
Amur Leopard Cub